“All I feel is love when I think of his name. Someone willing to see past the nonsense and try to help improve others regardless of the relationship he had with them. I also found courage, not only in the sense of not being afraid of danger, but also courage in social life. Not afraid to make new connections. Not afraid to make a friend.
Although I can't speak for others, I saw a mentor in Carlos. A man who wanted to guide me to be better. A guide to being a gentleman and how not only to survive, but how to live. The greatest thing he impressed on me was to have fun, to be positive, and realize how great life really is, and if that impression lasts then I know I'd have made his memory proud. I'm blessed to have been able to meet him, befriend him, and call him not just my brother, but my big brother, and that is what he'll always be to me.”
I was fortunate enough to know Carlos when he rushed the Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity and I was chosen to be his big brother. Carlos was the little brother I never had. He was humble, honest, and a fearless man who would jump in front of a gun for the ones he loved. He was my little bro, but in so many ways I looked up to him. Everything he said he meant, any promise or obligations he had he would fulfill them. He was a true man with great values. He always liked the classics, whether it was one of his favorite movies Gladiator or one of his favorite artists was Jimi Hendrix. Carlos was a true inspiration to all of us and I am grateful I got to know him and his family who are the most loving family I have ever met. We shared a brotherly love that could not be broken. All the great memories we shared and I cannot recall a time where he did not have that joyous smile on his face. I can only imagine that he is looking down on us smiling now